Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chihuahua Bite

The first (and only) time I’ve ever been bitten by a dog at work was just a few weeks ago. In six years it had never happened before, but there’s a first for everything.

This other time, I ventured into a fenced-in yard occupied by some kind of yellow canine whose breed was indefinable and I waited and waited and waited for the customer to answer the door. There was no incident with the dog at all. What I assume to be the boyfriend pulled up and called me “bold” for coming through the gate because, according to him, the dog bites. Boyfriend walked inside and got the person who ordered the pizza. The dog just sat there panting.

I’ve had dogs jump on me, I’ve had dogs lick me. Of course I’ve had dogs bark at me. Once a bulldog tried to hump me.

But a few weeks ago, a Chihuahua bit my ankle. It didn’t break the skin, but believe me, I still felt like bringing the full weight of my shoe on its brittle little neck. What really made me mad was how the customer laughed.

There was a Chihuahua (why does my computer insist on capitalizing that?) at an apartment downtown that would bark, book it when I approached, then bark some more. “What, you think you’re tough?” I could’ve punted it through the skylight.

People always say how vicious pit-bulls are, but I’ve never seen it. They’re always very friendly when they meet the guy holding the pizza. Only once did one ever growl at me, and the owner quickly put it in its place. But seriously, all you Chihuahua owners out there, learn to control your dogs.

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